Who WE Are

Founders' Meeting in 2019

Our Mission

Celebrating Community, Culture, Family, and Diversity

Alefba Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to celebrating Iranian and Persian culture while providing vital social services to our community. Established in 2019, our mission is to enrich the cultural scene and support the well-being of the local community through various events, programs, and activities.

Inspired by the name “Alefba,” meaning “Alphabet,” we believe in the power of connection. Just as the alphabet connects letters, we connect people to celebrate our collective heritage, fostering a sense of family and unity among individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

We are committed to promoting diversity. Our inclusive events and activities reflect the rich tapestry of Persian culture and its influences, aiming to build a more understanding community.

In addition to cultural initiatives, Alefba Group serves the local community of Washington state, particularly the Iranian community, through educational, social, and charitable activities.

Our goal is to support and uplift our community, fostering belonging and mutual respect. Join us at Alefba Group as we celebrate Iranian culture, embrace diversity, and strengthen our community bonds.

Our Main Objectives

  • Introduce communities to Iranian and Persian art and literature, including music, poetry, and performing arts.
  • Provide educational and entertaining programs for specific demographics, including seniors, young adults, and career professionals.
  • Organize Iranian festivals and celebrations such as Nowruz, Yalda, Tirgan, Mehregan, and Sadeh
  • Foster regular discussion groups on subjects of mutual interest among members and communities.
  • Create networking opportunities among individuals and organizations in the community.
  • Broadcast non-religious and non-political educational, entertaining, and news content via written, audio, and visual media.

You can refer to our Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws for more details.

Our structure

Alefba Group consists of dedicated members who believe in the concept of family, working together on various activities for the public’s benefit. These activities are organized into multiple committees, each symbolizing a letter in our alphabet (Alefba means alphabet in Persian).

We currently have the following permanent committees:

and the following provisional committees:

Alefba Group is classified by IRS as a Public Charity under the IRC section 509(a)(2) and is exempt from federal income tax under IRC section 501(c)(3). You can find the IRS approval letter here

You can find the original IRS letter and Alefba’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) here and more information on IRS website.